Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Half-Full Glass

It always seems impossible until it's done.

Well, it's not totally done. Last week final papers and exams were finished and turned in. As of this morning the final grades have all been submitted.

I'm officially half-way through my MBA program.

You're probably wondering what this all means. Me too. For starters it means three weeks without classes. Three weeks without homework. Three weeks to enjoy spending time with the Big Guy in the evenings instead of running away to hide in something to study after dinner. It means reading things that have nothing to do with activity based costing, lag time, or management structures. It's more likely than I'm really comfortable admitting that what I'm reading now involves teenage paranormal romances. You can't get much further away from activity based costing than that. It might even mean more blogging. (I missed you guys!)

More importantly, it means that I'm 50% closer to achieving this major goal I set for myself. It means that my family and friends have already supported me through the toughest part of this journey. I can't promise that there will be that many more Friday nights that I show up to things than there were in this past year, but I'm optimistic. I'm halfway there.

So the glass is half-full. As in half full of knowledge. Knowledge and awesome. Assuming of course that awesome can be defined as a unique combination of wine, chocolate and Skype chats with some pretty amazing people.

Yeah, I didn't make it this far on my own. I couldn't have. The program has a strong emphasis on team work and having the right people is extremely important. I might be biased, but  I think I had the best teammates. This past year would not have been the same with any other group, and I will forever be grateful that I had them to rely on, laugh with, keep me in check and on track.

So now it's time to prep for the next half of the program. I'm not sure what exactly it will bring. A new team, new professors, new classes, new challenges, and this time next year- a new degree.

It's a lot. I'm not going to kid myself that it's going to be a walk in the park. I know that's not true. But I've done it before. I know how to manage my time, and more importantly my expectations. I can only do so much, and those things will be what's really important. So maybe the dishes sit in the sink overnight and the laundry gets pushed to next week. I'd rather be spending quality time with the Big Guy and Loki anyway. The dishes won't go anywhere and we can always buy more socks.

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