Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Ok, I know that not everyone likes this holiday, but I think it's fun. I like taking the time to let the people I love know that I love them. I think we could all stand to do that more often than we do. If it takes a Hallmark holiday to remind me to take that time, I'm ok with that. So whether you buy into the whole chocolate hearts, champagne and roses routine, I'm sure you have someone who means so much to you, that you want to let them know.

Someone asked me last week to think of something that I'm grateful for, something that makes me happy. My first thought was about the big guy. Since it's Valentine's Day, it's a good time to share what I wrote about him. Because I was writing this as a response to the question- I got wordy. You're not shocked, I know. So here's what I had to say about all the people that I'm grateful for this Valentine's Day.

I'm grateful that I get to spend my days with a wonderful man who supports and encourages me in everything I do. I couldn't have taken on some of the challenges I have if he hadn't been my own personal cheerleader. I'm grateful to have such a fantastic partner building the life that we want, for the family that we want.

I'm grateful for my parents and for all that they continue to do for me, and for us, every day. Their love and support is priceless. I wish they could be closer geographically, but I think the distance has actually helped me appreciate all we have together and all that they do.

I'm grateful for our friends and family. I sent out a silly request on Facebook to some close friends and our families (his & mine) to like a page I just created for work so that we can build our numbers and get the FB URL we want. It was late last night and almost everyone has already liked it. I was floored. I seriously started to cry checking the page. They continually surprise me with their caring and the time they take for us. We're incredibly lucky.

 I'm grateful for a job that provides challenges and opportunities for me to grow professionally. Having a job at all right now is something to be valued and appreciated, let alone one that you get to truly enjoy.

I'm grateful for a happy & healthy dog waiting patiently for me to come from work. Seeing that tail wag when I walk through the door makes the day's little annoyances go away.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! May you find yourself surrounded by love today, and everyday.

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